Terry Burden is the visionary owner of Soulful Intentions Crystal Shoppe, a business deeply rooted in personal transformation and a commitment to ethical sourcing. Terry's venture into the world of crystals began unexpectedly during a shopping spree at a crystal vendor’s warehouse with her daughter. This experience not only shifted her perception of these natural gifts from Mother Earth but also led to her deep-seated belief in their potential to transform thoughts, beliefs, and life patterns.
Terry’s journey from skepticism to embracing the power of crystals reflects in how she runs Soulful Intentions Crystal Shoppe. She not only sells crystals but uses them in her personal life, continuously seeking knowledge about new and better ways to integrate these elements into daily wellness practices. Her business serves a diverse clientele, ranging from veteran crystal lovers to new enthusiasts across all generations, including the young and curious minds of her grandchildren who share her passion for crystals.
Have questions or need expert advice? Our team is ready to assist. Reach out now and let’s explore the world of crystals together!
Office location
Marina del Rey, CaliforniaSend us an email
[email protected]